Friday, April 23, 2010

Creative Juice

Peel and rough chop two apples and 4 carrots. Dump apple and carrot chunks into your juicer. Blend.

Wherever I look on the Web, I find recommendations for herbal supplements to improve "creativity". I would not be surprised to find a link between nutrition and creativity, but I'm a bit skeptical when these claims are not supported by any science, and instead offer you a 3-months of supply of imagination-enhancing supplements for $89.95.

If anything, I'm finding that my creative urges are coming whenever it is most inconvenient. Trying to put my daughter to be? Boom - in pops a lovely idea. Driving in construction zones while the rain is pouring down? Ta da - what an inspired turn of phrase that is. What's a multi-tasking writer to do? There was a great article in Writer's Digest a couple of months ago (I can't find it online) and here's the gist: a writer writes whenever s/he can. When I take that approach, it's amazing how much time I've found to write. I can write while I'm waiting to pick up my daughter from school. I can write at red lights. I can write in the 10 minutes in the morning I have before my daughter wakes up. You get the idea. And once I committed to writing in such a fashion, it is amazing how much I can turn out. I'm not suggesting that it all good writing, but it is a start. I've also started to carry around a little notebook and a voice recorder with me in order to jot down any gems that suggest themselves.

And, if I'm lucky, this philosophy works for exercising, too.

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