Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Writing Prompt: Chocolate Reflux

The writing prompt for today is: chocolate reflux.

Leslie shifted on the couch and a couple of magazines slid off her lap, landing smack on top of the two beer bottles she had guzzled earlier. The bottles toppled over, but because the floor was carpeted, she only registered a soft thunk while she napped. She dreamed of sea-green glass pieces that she and her brother had picked up at the ocean beach when they were kids. Their parents, still ostensibly together at that time, were at opposite ends of the sandy park. Mom was laying on a blanket while Dad played volleyball. "Put the pieces in here," Kyle had said, offering up a net bag that normally held toys for digging and building sand castles. Leslie did, thrilling at the clinking sound, and then horrified as her brother swung the bag around and around as if he was a shot putter until he finally let go and the bag flew out onto the surf, gradually sinking.

A car door slammed. Leslie slowly raised an eyelid and noted that it was still sunny outside. She glanced at the clock on the mantle and then swiped her long red tresses out of her face. "Cripes!" she thought. She heard a key in the lock at the back door - Rod was home. Leslie attempted to stand up but accidentally stepped onto the empty bottles causing her to fall. With a mild cursing she snatched the bottles and threw a pillow over the splotches where they had dripped their remaining droplets. Running to the kitchen, she tossed the bottles into the recycling bin and grabbed a piece of chocolate from the pantry. She chewed in a rush just as Rod entered the kitchen. He gave her a brief kiss, just as she let out a burp. "Ew, chocolate reflux," he said as he drew away.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! So glad you are keeping up with your writing. :)
